• The Success of your Investments in Peru

    Our Concern and Pride

  • Immigration, Lawsuits, Inheritance, Insurance, Real Estate

    Our Expertise for your Sensitive Cases

  • Schemes Adapted to your Investments in Peru

    Our Know-How

  • The Success of your Investments in Peru

    Our Concern and Pride

  • Immigration, Lawsuits, Inheritance, Insurance, Real Estate

    Our Expertise for your Sensitive Cases

  • Schemes Adapted to your Investments in Peru

    Our Know-How

Our Areas

Foreign Investment and International Contracts

We provide legal counseling to foreign investors so that they may better implement their investment in Peru.

Corporate Law, Mergers and Acquisitions

We provide legal counseling to national and foreign companies, in matters related to corporate law, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Peru.

Tax Law and Customs

RBG Avocats has a team at its disposal, entirely dedicated to the analysis of tax issues.

Procurement Contracts, Public-Private Partnerships and Concession Agreements

RGB Avocats provides legal counsel to companies who wish to participate in public tenders, called by the Peruvian government.

Labor Law, Immigration and Expatriation

RGB Avocats provides counseling, in labor law, to national and foreign companies.

International inheritance, Real Estate and Personal Taxation

We provide legal counseling in the inheritance of estates belonging to national and international persons, as well as in the taxation issues that may arise in Peru from such affairs.

Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law

We provide legal counseling to national and foreign companies in matters regarding intellectual property and antitrust legislation.

Lawsuits, Arbitration, Bankruptcy Procedures and Dispute Settlement

RGB Avocats provides legal counseling and representation for dispute settlement and lawsuits.

Immigrate to Peru

Work in Peru

Do you want to work in Peru? We will provide you with legal advice in order to help you obtain a visa which will allow you to carry out the economic activities of your choice.


Are you retired? The Peruvian government offers an easy to access visa to those interested in spending their retirement in Peru.


Interested in applying for Peruvian citizenship? Our firm will provide you with the legal advice you need, and assist you every step of the way.

Andean Community Treaty

Are you a citizen of a country member of the Andean Community Treaty? If so, you do not require a visa to enter Peru.


Are you interested in taking higher education courses, or completing an internship program in Peru? We provide legal advice to foreigners interested in developing their professional capabilities.

Mercosur Treaty

Are you a citizen of a country member of the MERCOSUR Treaty, or with a MERCOSUR Agreement? As a signing member of such treaty, the Peruvian government grants residency to foreign citizens interested in residing in Peru.

Relative of Resident

Would you like to immigrate to Peru with your family? We will provide you specialized legal advice in order to help you obtain the visa most appropriate for you and your family.

Schengen Area

Are you a citizen of a country belonging to the Schengen Area? If so, you may temporarily enter Peru without a visa, under certain circumstances.

Spanish Citizens

Are you a Spanish citizen? Peru has a double Citizenship Agreement with Spain.

Return to Peru

Are you a Peruvian citizen returning from abroad? Find out which tax incentives you may qualify for, under the Return Law.

Business visa

Are you interested in carrying out business deals or signing legal agreements in Peru, but don't want to bother applying for a Resident visa? Find out if the Business visa is right for you.

Latest Posts

Oct/ 2022


This contracting mechanism has taken on greater relevance from 2017 to the present, since its use for the Execution of the XVIII Pan American Games and Sixth Para Pan American Games 2019, and subsequently for the Implementation of the Integral Plan for the Reconstruction with Changes, Chinchero’s Airport, the Technical Assistance in the Execution of the Projects of the Sergio E. Bernales de Lima and Antonio Lorena de Cusco Hospitals, and the Contracting of the Technical Assistance in the execution of the "Expansion of the Central Highway" and "Construction of the Santa Rosa Expressway".

Oct/ 2022

Recent Type of Companies Regulated in Peru

Over the recent years Peru has added two new types of companies to its roster: Simplified Closed Corporation - Sociedad Anonima Cerrada Simplificada (SACS) and Collective Benefit and Interest Company - Sociedad de Beneficio e Interés Colectivo (BIC). The former is a simplified version of a Closed Corporation (SAC), which reduces the costs and requisites for incorporation; whereas the latter (BIC) is a company whose economic activity is geared towards achieving environmental or social benefit goalsHowever, note that BIC is actually an additional category given to companies regulated by Peruvian law, e.g., SA, SAC, SRL. 

Oct/ 2022

What should be the main components of an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program in Peru?

What should be the main components of an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program in Peru?

Law N° 30424 (the "Law") and its Regulation, establish that companies are exempt from liability, resulting from criminal acts of corruption committed by their legal representatives, if they adopt an Anti-Corruption Compliance Program in Peru prior to these crimes being committed...

Oct/ 2022

What are the main obligations of a foreign worker holding a carne de extranjeria in Peru?

Peruvian Immigration law establishes several obligations foreign workers must comply with. Among the most notable are the following...

Sep/ 2022

What happens with the corporate name of a Peruvian branch (sucursal) if the corporate name of its foreing parent company is amended?

In such a case it is possible and advisable to modify the corporate's name of the branch in Peru...

Sep/ 2021

Comentarios al reglamento de registro de sociedades acerca de la inscripción de poderes otorgados por sociedades constituidas en el extranjero

Muy a menudo las empresas extranjeras requieren otorgar poderes a un apoderado en el Perú para celebrar ciertos actos jurídicos inscribibles, como compraventa de inmuebles, o litigar en el Perú para exigir el pago de una deuda, o simplemente inscribirse en el Registro de Proveedores con el Estado y participar en contrataciones con el Estado. Conviene por ello recordar que la norma principal que se aplica para la inscripción de dichos poderes es el Reglamento de Registro de Sociedades, Resolución N° 200-2001- SUNARP-SN del 27 de julio de 2001, y en particular sus artículos 165° a 169°.

Ago/ 2020

Contratos de Estado a Estado en el Perú - RGB Avocats asesora en contratos GtoG

RGB Avocats participó como asesor legal del lado francés en las negociaciones para el Contrato de Estado a Estado para la Asistencia Técnica en la Ejecución de los Proyectos de Inversión “Mejoramiento y Ampliación de los Servicios de Salud del Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales localidad de Collique, distrito Comas, provincia y departamento de Lima”, y “Mejoramiento de la Capacidad Resolutiva de los Servicios de Salud del Hospital Antonio Lorena Nivel III-1-Cusco.

RGB Avocats actuó también como asesor la legal del lado francés/holandés en las negociaciones para el Contrato de Estado a Estado relativo a la Asesoría y Asistencia Especializada en la Gestión de la Implementación del Plan Integral para la Reconstrucción con Cambios, que fue finalmente adjudicado al Estado del Reino Unido.

Anteriormente RGB Avocats actuó como asesor legal de un grupo internacional que fue el principal proveedor de energía temporal para los XVIII Juegos Panamericanos y VI Juegos Parapanamericanos, realizado en Lima – Perú, que también fue objeto de un contrato de Estado a Estado con el gobierno británico.

Algunos apuntes sobre los contratos de Estado a Estado en el Perú:

May/ 2020

Guidelines for resuming economic activities in Peru during COVID-19

The government recently issued Ministry Resolution N° 239-2020-MINSA, which establishes the guidelines for monitoring the health of workers at risk of being exposed to COVID-19”, followed up by Supreme Decree N° 080-2020-PCM, which allows the progressive renewal of economic activities during the health crisis caused by COVID-19.

Mar/ 2020

Nuevas medidas laborales en el marco de la emergencia nacional COVID-2019


El Decreto Urgencia N° 033-2020 publicado con fecha 27 de marzo de 2020, ha establecido medidas para reducir el Impacto en la Economía Peruana tras la Declaratoria de Emergencia Nacional por la propagación del Coronavirus COVID-19, decretado desde el 16 de marzo de 2020 hasta el 12 de abril de 2020, incluido.

Ene/ 2020

Tourists exceeding 183 days in Peru: be careful!

We have been informed that MIGRACIONES has clarified its internal position towards foreign tourists who exceed a 183-day stay in Peru within a period of 365 days, and who intend to re-enter Peru within that period.

Dic/ 2019

Opening a Business in Peru

Establishing a company to do business in Peru is very often one of the major hurdles a foreigner faces when relocating here.

Ago/ 2018

Complying with the New Anti-Corruption Law

Earlier this year, the Kuczynski administration passed Law N° 30424 –Law which regulates the responsibility of legal persons for the crimes of common bribery

Ago/ 2018

Quelques recommandations sur la déduction des charges relatives aux services intra-groupe en droit péruvien

Il y a quelques jours nous avons animé un atelier sur les prix de transfert et les services intra-groupe au Pérou au sein de la CCIPF.

Sep/ 2017

Data Privacy in Peru: Rules of Mandatory Compliance for Companies Which Store Private Data

Not all foreign investors are aware that Peru has a law for the protection of private data, which imposes some obligations upon companies in regard how data is processed and treated.

Abr/ 2017

Immigration au Pérou : entrée en vigueur d’une nouvelle loi et de son règlement d’application

Après l’entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle loi sur l’immigration (Decreto Legislativo N°1350) le 1er mars 2007

Mar/ 2017

Renting Property in Peru

One of the most frequent qualms among foreigners living in Peru is the applicable laws concerning the rental of property. 

Feb/ 2017

The New Immigration Law in Peru

Many foreigners living in Peru will be aware by now that the current government has enacted a new immigration law, which will enter into force on March the 1st 2017.

Ene/ 2017

Being Hired as a Foreign Worker by a Peruvian Employer

As with most countries’ approach to the employment of foreign workers, Peruvian regulations establish certain...